Monday, December 23, 2019

The Collapse Of Bear Stearns - 1580 Words

Jacob Bates The Collapse of Bear Stearns and What Can Be Learned Bear Stearns was started in 1923 by Joseph Bear, Robert Stearns and Harold Mayer and was initially and equity trading firm. It was one of the most respected firms of Wall Street and up until its collapse in March of 2008, had never had a losing quarter in its 85-year history. Bear Stearns had made it through the Great Depression, World War II, and multiple recessions over its long history. Alan Greenberg took over as CEO in 1978 and the culture at Bear Stearns began to change. In 1985, with Greenberg at the helm, Bear Stearns created a holding company called ‘Bear Stearns Company, Inc† and officially became an investment firm. According to and William Ryback [14, 11], earnings soared and they began setting new company records for earnings. In 1993, James Cayne took over as CEO and steered Bear Stearns through the dot-com boom and the September 11th attacks. Cayne had made Bear a fortune by trading municipal bonds through the 70’s as New York was go ing through a crisis and nearly declared bankruptcy. Under Cayne’s leadership, Bear Stearns stock price rose six-fold and consistently beat earnings estimates. All was going well until around 2006. That brings us to the root cause of the collapse at Bear Stearns. Bear Stearns had begun investing in subprime mortgages through to funds. According to the investment website investopedia [7], a subprime mortgage is basically a mortgage that is given toShow MoreRelatedWilliam David Coh An American Business Writer Essay1323 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness. (Source: House of Cards describes in particular the complicated series of events that led to the downfall of Bear Sterns in March 2008. Its actual appeal, however, deduces from its complete and careful analysis of the history of the firm since its origination as an upstart brokerage firm in 1923 and a gripping account of the demise of Bear Sterns in 2007. This failure prognosticated a lot of issues that would eventually stultify the firm, and the author puts forward thatRead Morebear stearns3426 Words   |  14 Pagesï » ¿SArajevo School of science and technology Bear Stearns Collapse 2007 A short analysis ISMAR HOTA Table of Contents Introduction 3 Literature Review 3 Methodology 4 Analysis 5 Introduction 5 About Bear Stearns 6 The Culture at Bear Stearns 6 The Collapse of Bear Sterns 7 The Ethical Issues behind the Bear Stearns Collapse 8 What are subprime mortgages and its Ethical Failures? 8 The Lack of Corporate Governance at Bear Sterns 9 Moral Hazard at Bear Stearns 10 Non Ethical Conduct of the RegulatorsRead MoreFinancial Crisis Between 2007 And 2009 Essay1331 Words   |  6 PagesFinancial Crisis between 2007 and 2009 was the worst economic crisis after the Great Depression in 1930s. This crisis was a worldwide crisis as it affected the financial system globally and led to collapse in economy. 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In the early 1930’s, Bear Stearns had a history of aggressive market behaviour as evenRead MoreThe Wall Street Meltdown1627 Words   |  6 Pagesnow known as the Stock Market Crash of 2008, and have subsequently lived during the Great Recession. The beginning of the crisis is marked as the downfall of Bear Stearns Financial. The company, with a triple A rating, was sidelined with problems of lack of cash flow, and a piling up of unpaid debts on housing mortgages. Bear Stearns invested heavily in these mortgages, because they were lucrative so long as the loans were being paid off. Foreclosures did not begin to pile up until after the 2005-2006

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How Far Would You Agree That ”Animal Farm” Is, As Orwell Himself Described It, A ‘Fairy Story.’ Free Essays

Five down. A word that is used in dermatology. 6 letters. We will write a custom essay sample on How Far Would You Agree That †Animal Farm† Is, As Orwell Himself Described It, A ‘Fairy Story.’ or any similar topic only for you Order Now That’s a tough one†¦what’s dermatology? Itches†¦that doesn’t fit. Scratch†¦I don’t know. I was pondering whether I should go over to that old man who was leaning against the fence. He had been there, in the same position, smiling and nodding at me for the last half an hour. Perhaps I should tell him to get a life? I sighed; I was so bored. Perhaps this is what waiting does to you? Why was I doing this stupid crossword? I should be on the train now, on my way back to Cardiff; there I would be getting drunk out of my mind. What was I going to say to Rob? â€Å"Sorry mate, couldn’t come to your stag do, the train came late?† What a lame excuse. When would that stupid train come? The guard over there was looking happy, probably because he was enjoying watching all us commuters suffer. Perhaps I should show him what it’s like, missing out on pints of free beer, strippers AND my best mate’s stag do. Paranoia had set upon me. I had already started to think everyone was out to get me, and perhaps I was right? No, I hastily corrected myself, they don’t even know me. Why on earth was I paranoid? I mean, I used to take this journey everyday when I was a kid†¦but things change. I was far more aware of everything now. At my feet, lay my briefcase; normally my portfolio would lie there, with all its sketches depicting life. For a brief second, I wished I could go back in time, and no longer feel the intensity of adulthood: having to work to survive, owning a house etc. I closed my eyes wearily. The train still hadn’t come. Frustrated, my instincts told me to just wait, but, ignoring them, I marched over to the guard, and demanded to know when the train would arrive. He gave no verbal answer, and simply gestured at the electronic board above his head. He then walked off, presumably to help some old dear carry her luggage. Not. The notice board told me that my train would be delayed indefinitely. Estimated time of arrival was at least 4 hours away, if not more. I slumped back down onto the red plastic, cheap station seating, and resigned myself to a long wait. I got out my mobile, and began to text Rob, apologising for not being there. My text contained many words of crude language. As I began to text, I stopped. I remembered that I was at a station; where better to observe human life? Here, I could capture normal life, without having to draw forced behaviour. I looked across the crowded arcade. Businessmen, old people, women with severe hair-dos, punks, anarchists, goths, Asians, Africans†¦ no one out of the ordinary. I didn’t know quite what I was looking for, but I knew they would stand out. Just as I looked past the Sainsbury’s outlet, a woman burst in through the door from the high street, almost colliding with the ‘Welcome to Paddington’ sign. She was drenched to the bone, although I didn’t know how; it wasn’t even raining. She had a peculiar look on her face, one of worry and exhaustion, yet somehow triumphant. She ran towards the platform, skidding several times, and ran straight to the guard. I could see her lips moving, but all I could hear was the crackly interference on the intercom. The guard walked off while she was still talking, and she was left standing there, alone. I had never seen such a unique woman in my life. She had auburn hair, naturally highlighted in streaks with a dull ginger colour, bright green eyes almost like a cat, which were opened wide as if she was annoyed†¦ Her eyebrows lowered as I saw her eyes scan across the timetable. What train was she waiting for? I told myself I wouldn’t get involved. She was beautiful, but I already had a girlfriend: a kind generous one at that. No, I didn’t love this woman, but was just enthralled by her. As she sat down, drips of water ran off her hair onto her top. She sat herself down on the adjacent bench to mine, and reached for her handbag. Her hand delved deep inside, and things went flying everywhere. Tissues scattered themselves all over her skirt, leaving bits of white fluff, which contrasted horribly with her blue and burgundy-striped skirt. A lipstick gracefully went sailing out of the bag, flew through the air, until it landed back on the platform. It then slid itself underneath the barrier, on the very edge of the platform. The woman flung more things out of the bag; the Vaseline came out, the lid fell off, and the contains went everywhere; a purse hit an old woman sitting near her who then started mumbling; photos of children and other people; tickets for buses and trains; receipts for petrol, shopping and clothes; a calculator fell out and made a crack sound; a film, mint wrappers, pens†¦anything you can name was in there. Unfortunately, still more things came out. A mirror went flying through the air, straight towards an old man. He looked up just before it struck him, and caught it. I presume he then made a comment about 9 years bad luck as he handed it back, though I couldn’t hear him, as the intercom was going on about cheap luggage cases at GR Cases. Finally, she pulled out, with relish a mobile phone and a hairbrush. She began to brush her hair vigorously using the mirror. She placed it back in, then looked around in horror, at the scene of destruction that she had created. Annoyed (it seemed), she went around this part of the station, picking everything back up. I wanted to help, but I dared not; something was rooting me to the ground. Fear. The woman finally replaced the lipstick back in her handbag, and looked around. Seeing the shops, she walked off towards them. I followed. As I walked towards the commercial side of the station, I made up a cover story. If she noticed I was following and asked me, I would say either a) I thought you were someone else, or b) I need to get some apples†¦wait, but why would I need to go to all the same shops as her? I decided I would only use option a) if asked. She walked into Boots, and I followed. Why was I following her? I had no idea, but this woman interested me. Under the pretence of looking for a toothbrush, I watched her buy some Nurofen, shaving cream, Lynx deodorant, and a razor. Why did she need that? It was ‘guy’ stuff. Finally, she meandered over to the cosmetics area, where she dithered over buying a plum-coloured shade of finger paint stuff. What was it called again? Oh yeah, nail varnish. After about 45 minutes in there, she paid up using her card, and left. ***** During the next 11/2 hours, she went to the luggage shop, Woolworths where she purchased a large bag of pick ‘n’ mix, Sainsbury’s to buy some pasta, and a florist. After coming out of the last shop with a bouquet of irises, she went back to the red plastic bench, and sat down. I waited for a while, and then followed suit. On my way back to the bench, I looked up at the notice board. Two hours before the train arrived. The woman seemed to be getting nervous. She was straightening her skirt, getting rid of every little crease or dent. She sat there, looking agitated for a while. She sneezed suddenly, and looked around, cringing apologetically. Then a train pulled up into the station. This was the 19:56 train pulling in, and she stood up, and ran towards the barrier. People filed out, and the noise level in my head slowly grew, but I could not make sense of it. All I could hear was endless jumble; babbling, talking, but one conversation indistinguishable from another. I could hear this in the background, but in the foreground there was silence, spare her breathing. A friendly old lady was trying to question me, but I could neither see nor hear her clearly. I was looking at her, but yet not seeing her. It was the same with the rest of the passengers: they had no features in my head. All I could see were faces, with one face standing out: the woman’s. Her face had features: exquisite ones, which appeared perfect to me. Everyone else was the same, blank, just going. Her face told a story, one that I was trying to learn. I had become very overwhelmed by this woman. I watched her stand by the rail, lean over, clasping her hands with the rail between them. She stood on the lowest bar, held the bar with both hands and swung. She then leaned completely over the bar, got off it, and just held it with one hand. As the stragglers among the passengers filed out, the train emptied, and her face began to express anguish. As the doors on the one side closed, and the boarding passengers got on, she looked distraught. She ran from one direction to another, trying to find a way to get to the other side of the bar, trying to find a guard. But there was no one to help her. As the train departed, confusion came upon her face. She then slowly sat back down on her seat, and, with a look of determination, looked like no one could make her move. The train left, and the station became emptier. Most people had got on the last train, which had left for Greenwich. My train, however, was still conspicuous by its absence. I should now be at the club with Rob and the rest of his mates, getting more and more drunk by the moment. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the woman getting out her mobile. It was quite an old model for a person her age: I thought she would have a 3310 at least, since she looked about 23. But no, she had a Sony, with a pullout aerial and tiny screen. She was hitting the keys at a moderate speed, obviously texting. I could just about make out the words ‘Where are you’ from where I was sitting. Then she hit one button hard, and sat back. I heard a faint beep; obviously the message had been sent. The time kept ticking away on the big blue electric clock. The second hand seemed to almost be slowing down, though I doubted that. The timetable kept saying that my train would arrive in one minute less time than last minute, until it said my train would arrive in 45 minutes. However, by that pint, I dared not raise my hopes, as it had said that so many times before I no longer believed it. Time seemed to almost be coming to a standstill, when I heard a sharp horn go, and another train slowly came round the corner into the main station. The woman ran towards the bar again, a fresh look of happiness on her face, but in the corner lay a hint of dread? I wasn’t sure. Her irises in her hand, she stood on the rail, leaning over. Her free hand had nothing to do: it darted from the rail to her pocket to her skirt, and then it held the irises, then back to the bar. The passengers again stopped leaving, and the train was once again emptied. Through the windows a few silhouettes remained, so she looked like she still had a bit of hope. The final three passengers came out, and she fled from the bar, flinging down the irises onto the floor. From my seat, I could see her head held between her hands, and her chest was heaving gently: was she sobbing? She rummaged in her bag for a tissue, and, after wiping her tears away, gently picked up the irises from the ground, and held them in her arms. An old woman, who had seen the plight of the woman and her irises both of which had begun to wilt forlornly, walked over to her, started talking to her about the plight of the rails nowadays (I was now within earshot) and gave her a vase of water for the irises. As she left, the woman began to smile again, seeing the flowers perk up. After two more trains had come and gone, the woman’s spirits had fallen almost irretrievably low and various texts, I saw her call someone, possibly the person who she was waiting for. She was muttering ‘Pick up, damn you, pick up’, and when the answer phone came on, she almost burst into tears. She left a heartrending message, and I saw her visbly choke back tears a few times. Then she hung up, and waited. The woman’s skirt was now crumpled, her top tearstained, the flowers dying, but hope of the person arriving kept a brave smile on her face. However, the smile was not for me, actually, it seemed almost everyone but. She didn’t seem to even notice I existed. Then I heard a message on the intercom: ‘We are very sorry for any delays, but the 19:56 train and the 17:56 trains have been combined. They will shortly be arriving. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Please forward any complaints to the Railtrack Office in Cornwall. Thank you for your patience.’ Finally! My train was actually going to arrive! What’s more, in only a few minutes! But one thing almost scared me: it had combined with the woman’s train. Was it coincidence? Or sheer chance†¦ However, I had no chance to ponder this question as the train pulled in at that moment. The woman ran over to the rail, as I queued to get aboard. From my place in the queue, I was at a good vantage point to see whom the woman was going to reunite with, and the happy event itself. A man got off the train, and the woman was waving at him madly. However, he looked around hurriedly, didn’t appear to see her, and beckoned another woman off the train. At that point, my woman started to look confused, as if feeling why hadn’t he seen her? She was almost at the point of climbing over the rail. The man who had got off the train, and woman with him grabbed each other, and kissed passionately. My woman looked aghast, shocked, and distraught all at once. She then took a sharp intake of breath. The man looked round and saw my woman looking distraught. The woman looked around, and caught my glance. For an instantaneous second we understood each other, then it stopped. I heard him trying to explain, but it was all for nothing. As I boarded the train, I saw the irises hit him in the face, the shopping hit the other woman, and my woman walked off into the darkness, in the direction of the oncoming trains. However, I had no time to find out what happened next, and the train slowly began to accelerate away. I realised that I had been staring at her unashamedly for the last 4 hours, and I felt I knew her; but all she knew of me was a second. The last thing I heard before the sound of the train blocked out everything else was a screech: was it a scream, or simply the doors closing? I realised I would never know, and concentrated on looking forward to the journey: who knows what might happen? How to cite How Far Would You Agree That †Animal Farm† Is, As Orwell Himself Described It, A ‘Fairy Story.’, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Managing The Hospitality Asset Hospitality Sector

Question: Describe about the Managing The Hospitality Asset of Hospitality Sector? Answer: Brief history of the site Royal Pines Resort is a five- Star rated resort and hotel located in Gold Coast, Queensland. The location site of the resort is appropriate for drawing the attention of majority of the tourists visiting Gold Coast for surfing. Every year the management at the resort focuses on redesigning and refurbishment of the hotel spaces like guest rooms, swimming pools, golf course and executive rooms. As a part of enhancing the aesthetic presence of the hotel, space the hotel had undergone major renovations in designing a new lobby, reception desk and an expansive walkway linking the lobby to the resort pool. The hotel that is situated at a very short distance from the sandy beaches of Gold Coast is one of the most preferable accommodations for the surfing tourists (Resort, 2015). Current use of the site Presently management at Royal Pines Resort is planning a further renovation of the guest accommodations. Currently Royal Pines offers 331 stylish guest accommodation rooms that provides open and aesthetic views of the pool, garden, golf course and the sandy beaches. The current price ranges of guest rooms in Royal Pines are around $230 to 350. The resort at present provides three types of guest accommodations namely the coastal room view, the pool view rooms and the beach view room. The management at Royal Pines is considering renovation of all the guest rooms in order to enhance the accommodation settings in accordance to the changing preferences of the tourists. Moreover, the management of the resort considers transforming 100 beach view rooms into exclusive luxury suits in order to increase revenue (Connolly and McGing, 2007). Target market evaluation As per tourism survey of 2014, around $ 4.7 billion was contributed to the tourism segment of Australia from the sole revenue earnings of the Gold Coast segment. The mixture of sun, surfing and sand along with golf facilities, spas, theme parks and abundance of natural attractions has been able to successfully attract 80% of tourist visitors every year. Keeping the facts in mind, it can be analyzed that the major target market of Royal Pines resort are as follows: Types of visitors Percentages Domestic overnight visitors 48% Interstate overnight visitors 22% Day trip visitors 10% International visitors (UK,USA, China) long holiday plans 20% Further, the tourism surveys reveal that the average spending of the overnight visitors in a holiday trip to Gold Coast is ranging from $ 3500 to $ 7000. Thus, Royal Pine can successfully focus on renovating the guest rooms and changing them into luxury suits focusing on the spending capacity of the target market (Sharma and Schmidgall, 2008). The rooms need to be redecorated keeping the preferences of the target markets and preference can be judged from the following segmentation. Target market Characteristics Individual surfers Aged between 18 years and 25 years Both male and female visitors Income range between $ 10000 - $ 25000 Family travelers Aged between 26 years and 50 years Both male and female including children Income range between $ 30000 and above Thus to meet the expectation of the target market, Royal Pine is considering the renovation of the guest accommodations which includes addition of extra space, addition of 3D enabled home theater systems, changing layouts and introducing wifi facilities and complete replacement of furniture and fittings. Analysis of renovation Hotel renovation is a significant part of asset management and asset maintenance of the hospitality sector. According to Matelji (2010) frequent renovation and reinvention of the hotel assets and spaces makes it possible for the hospitality industry to enhance the life cycle of the hotel assets. Hassanien et al. (2010) further commented that hotels and other hospitality sectors that innovates and renovate in accordance to the changing consumer preferences are able to achieve high growth and high occupancies and are able to satisfy the concerned stakeholders. Analysis of stakeholders benefits The major stakeholders affected by the renovation plan are the shareholders and management of Royal Pine resorts, the employees, construction companies, employees and the tourists of Gold Coast. The management and the owners of Royal Pine are the major parties who will be affected by the renovation project (Kapiki, 2012). They are the concerned stakeholders who will have to bear the renovation expenses and will be benefited from the revenue earnings after the renovation is completed. Further, the renovation process will also affect the hotel employees like receptionist, lobby staffs, and room service staffs. If a significant portion of the hotel is under construction for the purpose of renovation then the services of the staffs will be dismissed temporarily. Further the renovation is planned in order to satisfy and enhance the quality of stay of the tourists hence they are also one of the major stakeholders affected by this decision. Reference list Connolly, P. and McGing, G. (2007). High performance work practices and competitive advantage in the Irish hospitality sector.Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 19(3), pp.201-210. Hassanien, A., Dale, C. and Clarke, A. (2010).Hospitality business development. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier. Kapiki, S. T. (2012). Quality Management in Tourism and Hospitality: an Exploratory Study among Tourism Stakeholders.International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories,2(2). Matelji, S. R. (2010). Promotion and design in the hotel industry.Tourism Hospitality Management. Resort, R. (2015).Royal Pines Resort - Surfers Paradise - RACV Resorts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Sharma, A. and Schmidgall, R. (2008). Financing Renovations In Clubhouses.The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 16(2), pp.17-32.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Osteoporosis essay Essay Example

Osteoporosis essay Essay Osteoporosis â€Å"Thirty-five year old Donna Duckworth is learning how to care for her newborn of five weeks, when she bends over the baby’s crib and feels something give in her back. The next day and the following week, the pain becomes unbearable in her back. She is breast-feeding and does not want to take any medication so she lives with the intense and continuing pain. Within a few weeks, she can no longer stand it so she goes to see her physician who orders blood work, does a complete physical and as a result, sends her to see an orthopedist who x-rays and does a bone density study. The diagnosis comes back as osteoporosis and it is found she has fractured three of her lumbar and four of her cervical vertebra.† Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the inside of your bones. Osteoporosis can affect anyone at any time in his or her life, but mostly in his or her later years. After reading, one can know what the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis are, what the probable diagnosis is, if it is treatable, what the prognosis is, what a health care practioner would do, who can be effected, what can be done to prevent it, and what new treatments are available. (NOF, 2010) â€Å"A person that has osteoporosis has bones that have lost substances as well as calcium, and other minerals† (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). Osteoporosis has signs and symptoms that one can look for within them. Osteoporosis is not gender selective. There are no symptoms of osteoporosis in its early stages, but there are symptoms that occur late in the disease. Some of the symptoms that occur late in the disease are bone pain or tenderness, fractures, loss of height, lower back pain due to fractures, neck pain due to fractures and curvature of the spine (The New York Times, 2010). Even though any bone break could be a sign of osteoporosis, one is most likely to have a compress fracture in their spinal vertebra. â€Å"These bone fractures are a result of weakened bone cracking from the normal pressure of a person standing upright† (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). The spinal vertebra breaks often result in the curvature of the spine at the shoulders (UCSF Medical Center, 201 0). â€Å"The curvature of the spine is sometimes called a ‘widow’s hump’† (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). (NOF, 2010) We will write a custom essay sample on Osteoporosis essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Osteoporosis essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Osteoporosis essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer â€Å"Pregnant adult women need an extra 400 milligrams of calcium daily† (Willis, 2010). â€Å"Thats about 50 percent more than recommended for women 25 and older† (Willis, 2010). â€Å"If there is not enough calcium in the mothers diet, the fetus may draw calcium from the mothers bones† (Willis, 2010). â€Å"Calcium deficiency in pregnancy may result in osteopenia (decreased bone density) in the mother† (Willis, 2010). Ms. Duckworth was in the standing position at the time that she felt something give in her back. Considering Ms. Duckworth gave birth within a year and her age, the likelihood of her having osteoporosis probable due to the improper amount of calcium intake. Diagnosis is crucial in osteoporosis. One of the best ways to determine if one has osteoporosis is by doing a bone density test. There are different types of techniques that can be performed in order to diagnose osteoporosis. Some of the different techniques are dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), ultrasound, quantitative computerized tomography (QCT), and lateral radiographs (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). DXA is a can of the spine with a low-dose X-ray (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). (NOF, 2010) Ms. Duckworth should have a DXA of the spine and hip areas as well as the blood and urine tests. If necessary, a QCT should be ran based on the results of the DXA. These tests will determine the severity of Ms. Duckworth’s bone density issue. It will tell if she has osteopena due to pregnancy or a more severe case, osteoporosis. â€Å"Almost 80% of bone density is determined by heredity and 20% by lifestyle† (WebMD, 2010). â€Å"Bone mineral density tests (BMD) shows how dense bones are and whether you have osteoporosis† (WebMD, 2010). â€Å"This information helps determine which prevention or treatment steps are needed† (WebMD, 2010). There are different laboratory tests that can be ran by doctors that helps in diagnosing osteoporosis. These tests are run with samples of blood and urine from the patient. Some of the tests are blood calcium levels, 24-hour urine calcium measurement, thyroid function tests, parathyroid hormone levels, testosterone levels in men, 25-hydroxyvitamin D test to determine whether the body had enough vitamin D, and biochemical marker tests, such as NTX and CTX (NOF, 2010). Osteoporosis is a treatable disease, but not a curable one. There are different types of treatment for osteoporosis. Some of the medications that can be taken for treatment of osteoporosis are estrogen, bisphosphonates, calcitionin, raloxifene, parathyroid hormone, and testosterone replacement (UCSF Medical Center, 2010). Some of the more common names for bisphosphonates are Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, and Reclast (Mayo Clinic, 2009). These treatments are taken orally once a week or once a month. In addition to the medications, there is also the treatment of exercise and diet. With a diet high in calcium, stopping unhealthy habits, like smoking and drinking, and regular exercise can reduce the likelihood of bone fractures in people with osteoporosis (The New York Times, 2010). In Ms. Duckworth’s incident, it would be recommended that she increase the amount of calcium in her diet and exercise, and depending on the severity of the osteoporosis, medication. Prognosis for osteoporosis is that the disease is treatable, but not curable. There is not one simple treatment for this disease. If one has the markers for osteoporosis, then the amount of risks should be kept to a minimal. Prevention is the best way to lower the odds of obtaining osteoporosis. One should make sure that the amount of calcium needed is in their diet. They should also develop an exercise program that avoids the risk of falling or could be considered high-impact, as that those could cause fractures. Ms. Duckworth future could turn to one as beneficial as it was before the spinal fracture. With proper diet with high calcium intake, an exercise program to reduce the likelihood of fractures, medication, and check-ups Ms. Duckworth could be back to her normal activities. As a healthcare practioner, Ms. Duckworth would be advised to increase the amount of calcium in her diet and add an exercise regiment. Based on Ms. Duckworth’s blood and urine analysis, it would also include medication if necessary. Ms. Duckworth would also be scheduled for routine check-ups to see the progression or recession of the osteoporosis. Family history would also need to be looked at for Ms. Duckworth. As previously stated, 80% of persons with osteoporosis obtained the disease through hereditary genetics, 20% obtain it through life choices and medical conditions. If Ms. Duckworth were suffering from osteoporosis from hereditary, treatment with medication would be probable, instead of just diet and exercise. Osteoporosis most commonly is diagnosed in women and men over the age of 50. Osteoporosis is considered a health threat for 44 million U.S. women and men aged 50 and older (NOF, 2010). The following chart gives an indication of the prevalence of osteoporosis in women and men in the U.S. through the year 2020 (NOF, 2010). Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass in People Aged 50 and Over 200220102020 Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass in Women and Men43,600,00052,400,00061,400,000 Osteoporosis in Women and Men10,100,00012,000,00013,900,000 Low Bone Mass in Women and Men33,600,00040,400,00047,500,000 Women With Osteoporosis or Low Bone Mass29,600,00035,100,00040,900,000 Women With Osteoporosis7,800,0009,100,00010,500,000 Women With Low Bone Mass21,800,00026,000,00030,400,000 Men With Osteoporosis and Low Bone Mass14,100,00017,300,00020,500,000 Men With Osteoporosis2,300,0002,800,0003,300,000 Men With Low Bone Mass11,800,00014,400,00017,100,000 (NOF, 2010) Even though there are several different ways to prevent progression of osteoporosis, they are not a guarantee that it will stop the progression. With the medication as treatment for the osteoporosis, there are still occasions that bone fractures can occur. â€Å"The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning linking long-term use of popular osteoporosis drugs to an unusual fracture of the thigh bone† (Wilson, 2010). With the profound results of the bisphosphonates slowing the loss of bone mass, they have been proven to have nagging safety concerns that are jaw osteonecrosis, arrhythmias, and esophageal cancer (Wilson, 2010). Drug makers are working to find new ways of treating osteoporosis. â€Å"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new injectable osteoporosis treatment for post menopausal women† (FDA, 2010). â€Å"Prolia is a treatment for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high risk for fractures† (FDA, 2010). Osteoporosis is an unforgiving disease. It cannot be cured, but can be slowed in its progression. Prevention is the way to proactive. One should be sure to consume calcium in their diet that is adequate for their needs and to be in an exercise regiment that will aid in reducing fractures. One should also be careful in putting himself or herself at risk by smoking, drinking, being off balanced, or doing rigorous exercising that could possibly cause fractures. If one does these things and has regular check-ups, then they should be able to reduce the likelihood of severe osteoporosis. Total Words: 1,422 Works Cited U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2010, June 1). FDA Approves New Injectable Osteoporosis Treatment for Postmenopausal Women. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic. (2009, August 27). Osteoporosis Treatment Puts Brakes on Bone Loss. Retrieved from National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). (2010). Diagnosing Osteoporosis. Retrieved from National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF). (2010). Prevalence Report. Retrieved from : The New York Times. (2010). Osteoporosis Overview. Retreived from UCSF Medical Center. (2010, October 29). Osteoporosis Diagnosis. Retrieved from UCSF Medical Center. (2010, October 29). Osteoporosis Signs and Symptoms. Retreived from UCSF Medical Center. (2010, October 29). Osteoporosis Treatment. Retreived from WebMD. (2010). Osteoporosis Guide Diagnosis Tests. Retreived from Willis, Judith Levine. (2010). All about Eating for Two. Retreived from Wilson, Duff. (2010, October 13). Prescriptions. Retreived from

Monday, November 25, 2019

Incomplete Thought Writing Mistakes

Incomplete Thought Writing Mistakes Incomplete Thought Writing Mistakes Incomplete Thought Writing Mistakes By Mark Nichol Writers sometimes sabotage their efforts to express themselves by leaving key information out of a sentence, resulting in confusing statements. Each of the following examples suffers from obfuscation due to one of more missing words. Discussion after each sentence explains the problem, and a revision provides a solution. 1. It has been called one of, if not the best film Smith has directed. This type of error, frequently committed by professional and amateur writers alike, is the result of an attempt to create a parenthetical parallel, one that fails because the sentence lacks all the necessary elements. In most attempts of this type, an additional comma would follow film, to set off the parenthetical, but the sentence is syntactically invalid when the supposedly expendable parenthetical is omitted; the result is â€Å"It has been called one of Smith has directed.† The flaw here and in similar erroneous constructions is that the key phrase must be repeated, appearing in both the main clause and the parenthetical: â€Å"It has been called one of the best films, if not the best film, Smith has directed.† (Remove the parenthetical, and the main clause is syntactically sound: â€Å"It has been called one of the best films Smith has directed.†) 2. Lenders should proactively assess their ability and success in providing capital to minorities and their communities. The mistake here is the writer’s assumption that ability and success are parallel, but each word is merely the basis of corresponding phrases that must be extended and located appropriately: However, not only do they require distinct prepositions, but providing is the correct inflection of the verb only in reference to success, so the sentence must be further revised for it to make grammatical sense: â€Å"Lenders should proactively assess their ability to provide, and success in providing, capital to minorities and their communities.† (To avoid the parenthetical phrase, revise as shown here: â€Å"Lenders should proactively assess their ability to provide capital to minorities and their communities and their success in doing so.†) 3. The product’s naturally occurring electrolytes are significantly higher than other brands. Other brands are erroneously compared with electrolytes; the comparison should be between the electrolytes in one product and the electrolytes in other brands, so either electrolytes or a pronoun representing it, plus the preposition in, must be inserted into the sentence: â€Å"The product’s naturally occurring electrolytes are significantly higher than those in other brands.† 4. Financial institutions are no longer required to implement the rule and retain the option of including mandatory arbitration clauses in their contracts. This sentence does not intend to express that two requirements for financial institutions have been lifted; the intention is to state that one requirement has been lifted, while an option has been retained. To indicate that these are separate points, the sentence should be structured to consist of two independent clauses separated by punctuation and a conjunction: â€Å"Financial institutions are no longer required to implement the rule, and they retain the option of including mandatory arbitration clauses in their contracts.† 5. Most categories show decreased totals compared to our results from last year. The equivalents here are not totals in most categories and results from last year; they are totals in most categories this year and totals in most categories last year. That equivalence is expressed simply by inserting the pronoun those and the preposition in before the phrase describing the comparison: â€Å"Most categories show decreased totals compared to those in our results last year.† 6. Machines are so much better at analyzing large volumes of data than people. The implication is that machines perform analysis of large volumes of data better than they perform analysis of people, but the point is that machines outperform people in analyzing large volumes of data; to clarify the correspondence between machines and people, simply tack a verb onto the end of the sentence: â€Å"Machines are so much better at analyzing large volumes of data than people are.† 7. Contracting teams may also want to identify contracts just below that threshold but that would be profitable if renegotiated at higher rates. â€Å"That is† or â€Å"that are† (or that followed by another â€Å"to-be† verb form), like that itself, are sometimes optional in a sentence, but if one of two corresponding phrases is preceded by such a phrase, the other must be as well: â€Å"Contracting teams may also want to identify contracts that are just below that threshold but that would be profitable if renegotiated at higher rates.† Alternatively, the sentence may be revised to convey correspondence with other wording: â€Å"Contracting teams may also want to identify contracts just below that threshold but potentially profitable if renegotiated at higher rates.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Sit vs. Set

Friday, November 22, 2019


The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour are such things as being a positive role model, showing respect to one another, praising children and young people, have and organised environment, setting boundaries, intervening calmly when an incident happens to stop the child or young person behaving in an unsafe way. 1. ) The importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting is to make sure every child within the setting is treated fairly for example if one child does something good praise him/her as you would any other child. Vice versa if a child’s behaviour is bad you must intervene calmly and explain what they are doing is wrong, and why it is wrong. All staff must work as part of a team and act with the same procedures to help the children develop knowing what is right and what is wrong. 2 2. 1) The benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour are that by promoting positive behaviour in the nursery they are much more likely to grown up knowing what is right and what is wrong, carrying it up into reception class and so on. Positive behaviour needs to be encouraged as the children need to know when there doing something really good e. . sharing their toys. If a child is constantly told off for negative behaviour, it will damage their overall self-confidence and they’ll begin to thin that everything they do is wrong. 3 3. 2) the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others are things such as biting, this is more common in toddlers as they cannot talk or express their feelings its more difficult to control their emotions, if an older child bites ad continues to do so this should be referred to the ppropriate person. Aggression is also a behaviour problem, aggressive acts such as hitting another child for no reason needs referral. Change of behaviour in a child is another thing that should be referred this could be for a number of reasons such as abuse, any form of abuse could cause a child to change their behaviour, also things like family separation an bereavement and other issues could cause this. All these should be referred to your nursery manager or the person in charge.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Westpac exective summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Westpac exective summary - Essay Example Westpac has been able to focus its sustainability strategy on five key areas. Focusing on these areas has enhanced the corporation’s ability to remain amongst the top-rated sustainable organizations in the world. Conversely, the corporation’s strategy in financially positioning itself aims at a long-term strategy that incorporates a measurement criterion based on its capabilities and prospective trends that may influence the wider economy. Using this strategy, Westpac has maintained profitability despite high levels of operating costs. As a way of recognizing the important role played by internal capabilities, Westpac recognizes the importance of customers and employee satisfaction since these two strengthen an organization’s internal systems. Conversely, the corporation recognizes the role the external environment played on its profitability. Hence, Westpac was able to implement strategies that ensured profitability while minimizing risks during the global financial risks. In effect, Westpac implemented a strategy that led to a merger with St. George Bank, which increased revenues, profits, and dividends to its shareholders. Overall, Westpac should ensure that it utilized its internal capabilities and resources while understanding the value chain context in order to maintain its position as a leader in the banking

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nike's Global Women's Fitness Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nike's Global Women's Fitness Business - Essay Example Improve the integration levels within particular divisions. Goal â€Å"To take a more consumer-oriented approach to the market, optimizing the company’s activities to give customers holistic collection of everything they want and need in a particular sports category.† Analysis Structure Currently, Nike uses the matrix organizational structure. This type of structure groups employees according to their functions and by product type that they are involved in production. In this type of structure, there is a horizontal flow of information and skills. The following components are distinctively identified with the matrix structure of organization: there is a top manager who is in charge of the entire matrix and is charged with the responsibility of balancing the two chains of command. Then there are two matrix managers who are in charge of their respective sub-groups. One of them is the product manager and the other is the functional manager. Pros: there is coordination to m eet dual customer demands. It is suited for complex decisions. The structure is also suited for an organization with multiple products, like Nike. Cons: there are frustrations brought about by dual authority. This type of structure is time-consuming in decision making and conflict resolution. People This is a highly populated organization with more than 26,000 employees. There is specialized expertise in the organization with employees only working in their areas of specialization; such as footwear, equipment and apparel. Nike’s senior executives are supportive of the employee’s activities. For example, the executives offered support to the Change the Game team when the team made its presentation on the strategy to approach the women’s market. Most people in Nike, especially those who have been there for a long time like Darcy Winslow, know a large percentage of the community. The company, in its effort to move to a consumer-based organization from the current p roduct-based, appointed team captains who would set-up and run different categories of sport. These captains were responsible for bringing together the right people to spearhead a business plan for the particular sport category that they are in charge of. People were also supportive of the company’s ideas and it is clear that they wanted these ideas to succeed. They attended meetings with enthusiasm and commitment. Pros and Cons The support that the executive gives to the other employees boosts their morale and working spirit. The employees are motivated and the quality of their output is bound to improve. Knowing a big percentage of the community helps the company to get the necessary feedback on their products and services. The people can also give recommendations about a particular type of product. Using team captains and a group of specialists guarantees the company of quality results. There was resistance from retailers who were not willing to allocate more space to Nike . These retailers did not want to change their traditional practices. Incentives Nike worked out an incentive methodology that was aimed at motivating the performance of the employees. Most members were measured according to the results that they achieved, for example, selling shoes. In areas where there were added responsibilities, incentives were also increased to match up to the work. Cash bonuses were also offered

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Montaigne Response Essay Example for Free

Montaigne Response Essay It is no secret Europeans have conquered not only new lands, but their neighbors on the Continent too, by lying and deceit since the days of Ancient Rome. Montaigne remarked on how â€Å"better bred sort of men†, i.e. the Europeans, are more curious and discover more than their uncivilized counterparts in the New World. Because of their â€Å"superior† breeding, this essentially allowed them to lie and explain things in order to positively affect them. Montaigne remarked on how when meeting a â€Å"plain ignorant fellow† of the New World, he appeared more likely to tell the truth, solely because he was uncivilized in the eyes of the Europeans. As he puts it, the Europeans cannot help but alter the story, never representing things how they are, but how they appeared to them. To contrast this, the Cannibal is just a simple, ignorant fellow, who tells things exactly as they are without distorting any facts or evidence. He is not capable of changing the story to suit his needs. That concept particularly stood out to me because it made me realize that the smarter, more educated, and arguably more civilized someone is, the better they are with words and the more likely they are to alter a story for personal gain. The primitive peoples of the New World were not capable of the high level deception and treachery the Europeans were. That is not to say that they were not capable of being just as cruel to their fellow man as the Europeans were, but as Montaigne puts it, lying, treachery, dissimulation, avarice, envy, detraction, pardon; they were unfamiliar concepts to the Cannibals. One question that transcends time is why some nations or peoples were able to conquer and subject others. There are many theories and arguments to answer this but I am going to make the case that it is because some can deceive and others cannot. For example, white fur traders in the early 1800s were able to get Native Americans addicted to whiskey, often diluted, and â€Å"flavored† with tobacco juice. Still, it had its desired effect and it left many tribes clamoring for more. Once the Native Americans inherent weakness for whiskey was known, fur traders and land speculators used the firewater to obtain Indian lands and furs. What is the theme of this glimpse from the past? The same words Michel de Montaigne used to describe what his Europeans colleagues were capable of; lying, treachery, dissimulation, avarice, envy, detraction and pardon. It seems to be a common theme when one people are taking over another. The concept of European superiority in the 16th century was no doubt reinforced by the magnificent art and culture that was blossoming during the Renaissance. Besides the Orient, the world was unknown, undiscovered and above all, not Christian. The Popes of the time were all too happy to commission expeditions to baptize the New World. The themes of avarice, treachery and cruelty are not exclusive to Europe, however the Europeans were able to export it on a global scale. These themes exist all over the world in every country, they are human traits, but it was the Europeans who left the Continent to conquer and kill, for God, Gold, and Glory. Cunning though they may have been, Montaigne hit the nail on the head when he remarked on European’s ability to distort the facts and to deceive the â€Å"lesser† peoples of the New World.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Characterization within the Drama Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Hamlet E

Characterization within the Drama Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚   The purpose of this essay is to enlighten the reader regarding the characters in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet – whether they are three-dimensional or two-dimensional, dynamic or static, etc.    The genius of the Bard is revealed in his characterization. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt in Literature of the Western World examine the universal appeal of   Shakespeare resulting from his â€Å"sharply etched characters†:    Every age from Shakespeare’s time to the present has found something different in him to admire. All ages, however, have recognized his supreme skill in inventing sharply etched characters; it frequently happens that long after one has forgotten the exact story of a play one remembers its people with absolute vividness. (2155-56)    Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar in â€Å"Hamlet: A Man Who Thinks Before He Acts† comment on the propensity of the Bard for well-rounded characters in Hamlet: â€Å"We feel that they are living beings with problems that are perennially human† (62).    Hamlet has over 20 characters with speaking roles; in occupations from king to grave-digger; and in 20 different scenes; and with a differentiation in speech, actions, etc. between every single individual character. Where else can such great variety in characterization be found? This aspect of the dramatist is emphasized by Robert B. Heilman in â€Å"The Role We Give Shakespeare†; he says that this variety is â€Å"graspable and possessable to many men at odds with each other, because of the innumerableness of the parts† (10).    The play begins with the changing of the sentinels on a guard platform of the castle of Elsinore in Denmark. Recently the spectral likeness of dead ... ...e.† Essays on Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Chapman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965.    Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.    Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.† Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.    Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"Hamlet: A Man Who Thinks Before He Acts.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar. N. p.: Pocket Books, 1958.         

Monday, November 11, 2019

Negative Effects of Technology on Kids

Are you aware of what’s happening in the present? Youth has becoming more active in using the internet and other modern technology nowadays. But do you know what the effects of this are? After you took long hours in front of the computer, are you dizzy and running out of breath? Feeling thirsty and very hot, your eyes can’t see clearly, and your hands and fingers are shaking and tired of typing? Do you also know that if that is repeatedly happening to you, it may lead to a disorder or illness you haven’t known for sure? Too much radiation is bad for us and has bad effects to our health, so be aware.Technology does not only affect our health, but also other aspects of our life. As I browse the internet, I have come across this article entitled The Effects of Modern Technology on Kids by Lisa Evans. This tackles about the four negative effects of technology on kids. First is the effect on brain development of a child. UCLA Professor Patricia Greenfield said that wh ile students create multitasking ability and visual reasoning skills which enable them to see and process information quickly, their attention span has also decreases.In a result, they are having a hard time to solve more complex problems which require time and concentration. Technology makes the thinking skills weak and although it strengthens visual reasoning skills, it also contributes to poor eye sight. Second is about the disadvantages on immediate access to information. With the internet becoming the source of all, students tend to become lazy and just depend on all the information given from the internet. But anyone who is not so careful and knowledgeable about surfing the internet may lead to a danger.Not all the information there are facts, truthful, and reliable because most of them are edited, and some sites are x-rated or pornographic, so it is very important for the parents to monitor their children about the source they will find. Third, concerning about social relatio nships, modern technology has also affected this. Instant messaging through cell phones and chatting through social networking sites have been a way to communicate of the present generation. Because of this, youth became used to keep in touch with other people impersonally.In addition, they are not anymore going outside their houses to play with other children, and socialize or talk to other people. Last is the effect of technology on the health of youth. More and more students at this time are suffering to neck and back pain because of improper posture using laptops and computers. According to Ken Harwood of the American Physical Therapy Association, there is also an increase in the diagnosis of repetitive stress injuries among the kids with the age of at least 8 years old.In the final analysis, although innovation and improvement on technology brings about development and benefits to people, we can still identify the disadvantages of it to our lives especially to youth. We should be responsible in using modern technology because every act we do affects us. It is better to be careful than to take the risk of doing the things which entertain us, but have negative results. Before we end up regretting in doing the wrong thing, let us think first and follow the right path.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Achieving Knowledge Through Higher Education

Newman presents an argument in which he states that a universitys purpose is to train good members of society. A university educates students to perform well and better succeed in life. Knowledge plays a key part in the advancement of the student. The more knowledge a student has, the more well-rounded they are, the better they will succeed in life according to Newman. The way a student achieves this knowledge is through higher education, which is basically achieved through a university. Higher education is the center and key element of all civilization advancements. That is one of the primary definitions that comes to mind when asked about higher education at a university. Another definition about higher learning at a university is for oneself to learn who he or she really is in life. That person is also responsible for forming some kind of lifestyle according to what he or she has grasped onto from the university way of living. Many people also consider as true that a university is a place to receive a proof that he or she is qualified to work in a particular field of study as a professional. Each person should have the right to attend an educational institution seeking their own interpretation of higher learning. There are some people that have the resources, whether it be wealth or academically, to access higher learning at a university, but for those who do not, they have to be content with what they have learned through earlier years of school to succeed in life. A better understanding of each facet of education comes from understanding the dependence of each subject upon one another. Each subject is a branch of education and every branch stems from the same tree. Some branches diverge and have twigs and branches of their own, but everything is joined at the root. Education is very similar because each branch of knowledge relies on the other in order to advance. For example, science relies on language to document and publish experimental results. If these findings are published inaccurately, other scientists who use these publications in their own research will be misinformed. Each subject relies on another in some way. It is easier to understand each branch of the tree better if you can see how it is involved universally: where it stemmed from, and how it is dependent upon other branches; what branches stemmed from it, and how they are dependent upon it. Newman says,  ¡Ã‚ °true enlargement of mind  ¡ is the power of viewing many things at once as one whole, of referring them severally to their true place in the universal system, of understanding their respective values, and determining their mutual dependence. Newman is saying quite directly that in order to understand something, it must be looked at as one component of a universal picture. He is saying that when something is closely examined, there are no guidelines or basis for comparison, but when it is looked at universally, it is easier to see relationships and similarities making innovations more attainable. For example, the mathematical operations of algebra fulfill many practical needs in science. The ability to find values for unknown variables within sets of equations is a tool that science heavily relies on. The reason algebra is so conveniently practical in relation to science is because it was developed as a tool for science. The tools of algebra would not be present if Diophantus, the developer of algebra, had not been aware of the overall conditions his mathematical system needed to fulfill. Algebra serves society through science and its accomplishments. From building a nuclear reactor to altering chromosomes in a person's genetic makeup, every scientific field originates back to the basic rules of algebra. All of the groundbreaking advancements in society through science are functions of this mathematical tool developed to aid and expand science. Newman says that the purpose of the university is to develop your brain for the future. It broadens your mind and basically trains you for what is to come. It gives an individual a clear conscious to form their own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them(73). I agree with what he says throughout this passage. A university doesnt necessarily produce individuals that professionalize in one particular area. It helps the minds of the students develop and turn into mature beings. Higher education exists in many forms of definitions in life, but it is a decision that every person that enters a university must make of which interpretation pertains to his or herself. Everyone will approach it in their own way, but it remains to been seen who will flourish into the world as a well-rounded person on their conclusion. The decisions that we make as individuals dictate the lives that we lead in society.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Capital Punishment misc3 essays

Capital Punishment misc3 essays My opinion on capital punishment is very shaky because of the unstable facts and controversy surrounding this topic. I personally, am caught somewhere in the middle of deciding on being for or against the death penalty. I am for the death penalty for several reasons: I think that we need to get the hardened criminals off the streets and out of our court and jail systems. The death penalty is ultimately the only choice that creates that, even though the accused will be on death row and appealing his/her conviction. I also feel that in some situations the crime of murder is so heinous and vulgar that the guilty party deserves to be put to death. I would like to say that I like the death penalty because it is cheaper than prison, but I would need to see the numbers to compare. My last reason for being for the death penalty is a killer should be killed. I also have a few reasons to be against the death penalty. Does capital punishment really deter crime? I feel that we should not put a person to death just so that person can be the posterboy/girl for crime deterrent. And does a killer really think about that before murdering someone? I also have on my conscience that "thou shalt not kill" is the seventh commandment and killing would be a sin against God, but than again I am not in the jury box, or doing the final deed. I have some further thoughts on capital punishment. I think that capital punishment is far from being cruel and unusual punishment. And in my mind you should be killed for any degree of murder. I don't believe that the death penalty discriminates against minorities because no matter what color skin you can make the choice to commit or not to commit a crime. I also think that we should believe strongly in our court system and know that is has the ability to make the decision of guilt or innocence, and if someone is on death row there should be no doubt in the fact that they belong there. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Integrated Natural Sciences(Biology, Physic's,Chemsitry,Human Anatomy) Assignment

Integrated Natural Sciences(Biology, Physic's,Chemsitry,Human Anatomy) - Assignment Example Hence it is very helpful and useful to study science using an integrated approach. 2. Explain the LIMITATIONS of science and how science differs from other areas such as art and religion (Science’s domain is based on evidence; whereas religion and art domain’s center upon belief, aesthetics, etc) Science demands proof whereas the domain of religion and art depend upon beliefs and aesthetics. That is why questions like ‘what is the purpose of life?’ or ‘Does God exist?’ cannot be researched by science. 2. Explain what happens to the gravitational force when there is a change in mass and/or distance. The gravitational force increases/decreases proportionally with the change in mass but is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. 1. Explain the role of gravity in the formation of solar systems and galaxies. Stars start of as a cloud of gas and dust. Due to gravitational forces they clump together and contract. This contraction increases the temperatures and initiates nuclear fusion. Similarly the left over materials clump together to form planets. 3. Why does the same side of the Moon always face the Earth? The gravitational pull from the earth slows down the rotation of the moon. The moon revolves around at the same speed at which it is orbiting and hence the same side of the moon always faces the earth. 4. Explain the relationship between thermal energy and gravitational force in a star’s life cycle. The greater the gravitational pull, the greater is the pressure experiences by the gases which increases their thermal energy. Both the forces are proportional to the product of their charge and mass respectively and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The difference between these two is that gravitational force is always attractive while electrical force may be attractive or repulsive. In transverse waves, the wave propagates perpendicular to the direction of motion, for example,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Observational Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Observational Research - Assignment Example Nordstrom Incorporation and Bloomingdale’s are key players in the US’s upscale retail market of fashion industry. The two actors have maintained successful business both online and in their respective physical outlets in different states across the country. This paper is a report about an observational research of the two retailers’ business activities on their official websites and at their physical business locations. The researcher intended to secretly seek answers to unclear marketing issues by disguising as a curious shopper. First, following its founding by Nordstrom John W. and Wallin Carl F. in the early 20th century, Nordstrom’s mission was to serve the upscale market with fashionable items from its head offices in Seattle, Washington. The organization has since grown its business to include stocks of shoes, clothing, handbags, jewelry, and beauty products such as cosmetics and perfumes. In Nordstrom, there were wedding and home decoration products for would-be couples. I realized that the company’s website is stocked with a variety of the goods, but a visit at the physical location of the business revealed much more of the goods available for consumers than could be updated on the online store. On the other hand, I realized that Bloomingdales is also a significant player in the American high-end market. The company was set up in 1861 by Macys, Inc. For more than a century, Nordstrom has been one of its main market rivals in the country. And following the advent of the Internet in the second half of the 20th century, it is clear that Bloomingdales took its products to the online store; a platform upon which it seeks to expand its market share. The performance of the online stores is therefore rated as follows: best (1), better (2), good, (3); bad (4); and worse (5) as written in table 1. The rating is based on the quality of stock and client

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evolution of security cameras and computer monitoring software Essay

Evolution of security cameras and computer monitoring software - Essay Example Emphasis has been laid on the requirement and usage of software to protect information and technology. Various laws with respect to privacy violation of general public, and that advocate administration of security surveillance for the benefit of society have been briefly described. The paper concludes with an opinion on the importance of security surveillance and responsibility towards society in adapting to the surveillance equipment for a peaceful life. Safety and security of life and one’s possessions has always been a basic need in order to live a confident and satisfying life. These are equally important for protection of official possessions, infrastructure, data and information, storage systems of products and official data, etc in all spheres of life including offices, business units, production houses, hospitals, manufacturing plants, hospitality and entertainment setups, travel mediums, financial institutions, etc; infact, this list would include all the places having potential risk of attracting loss, damage, or harm from external sources. While these form a part of the physical security, security of electronic data is also a much evolved concept in the contemporary world. The common goal of any security system is to protect life, possessions and/or information and premises. Security in these spheres comprises of many tactical approaches, whilst security devices for surveillance form one of the most important groups that have evolved from basic to the more complex systems over the last two decades; these advancements are said to have enhanced after the September 11, 2001 (Fischer, R.J & Green, G; 2004). An accurate analysis of perceived risks and security issues are required to design a good security and crisis management policies and procedures. Security of any place requires the effort of many different functions like the security officers, premise design,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Venture Capitalists Evaluate Potential Venture Opportunities Essay

How Venture Capitalists Evaluate Potential Venture Opportunities - Essay Example The product is analyzed to determine if the product can produce a competitive advantage. The technology is examined to ascertain if it is a new item that can demand market share or is the technology and improvement over existing products. Although all four of the venture capitalists analyze the team, or specifically the people involved in the company, they differ on which aspect of the team they place a greater emphasis. Some venture capitalists place more emphasis on the founder, or entrepreneur, of the product or technology and other place more importance on the management team. The other item that venture capitalists differ is the stage of product development. Some venture capitalists prefer a new product or technology and some prefer to look at products that are currently inexistence. Venture capitalists are mostly focused on the tactical aspects of the company with which they want to invest. They examine the potential revenue stream of the product versus the strategy to achieve the market share. The venture capitalists analyze the tactical aspects of the market and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financial regulatory framework

Financial regulatory framework Regulatory framework for financial reporting The financial regulatory framework in the UK went through significant reforms in 1990-91 and has remained stable for ten years thereafter. Changes are being proposed to the regulatory framework arising out of three major reasons (a) the move by the European Commission towards developing a single capital market (b) the Enron scandal which has stimulated political interest in the regulation of accounting and (c) changes in UKs domestic laws and regulation (Fearnley and Hines, 2003). There have been several changes in the international arena that have also necessitated changes in the financial regulatory framework. Due to globalization, many UK companies are now acquiring subsidiary companies in other countries, which function under different financial parameters and there may be a need to modify the existing regulatory and financial frameworks (Haller and Walton, 2003). When different financial accounting standards exist in different countries, it may be necessary to harmonize them and this can only be achieved through modification of the financial regulatory networks. In this context, a report published by the Institute of chartered accountants in Scotland offers the view that the current position in the context of globalization is such that there is an â€Å"ever increasing volume of accounting rules†, which is not sustainable in the long run (ICAS, 2006:2). Its only principles based accounting is likely to be beneficial Domestic law and regulation has changed in different ways. First, the London Stock exchange was once self regulatory but it is no longer the Listing authority within the U.K. The UKLA (UK Listing Authority) which is a part of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) is now the responsible authority for this purpose. Second, professional bodies which are a part of the UK Accountancy profession, have set up their own private regulatory framework the Accountancy Foundation to provide independent oversight of their auditing standards, ethical standards and regulatory activities, including disciplinary procedures. New regulations have also been issued in respect of limiting the remuneration paid to directors and the Companies Act has also been modified (Fearnley and Hines, 2003). These changes in the domestic law mean that the framework which existed earlier and was largely self-regulatory may no longer be adequate. Bullen and Crook (2005) have explained why a conceptual framework is needed. Both the FSAB and IASB, share a common goal of ensuring that their standards are â€Å"principles based†, which requires that such standards must not be a mere collection of conventions but must be rooted in fundamental concepts. For instance, when the FASB members first attempted to set up a regulatory framework, they experienced considerable difficulty in attaining agreement on standards, which led them to work towards the development of a conceptual framework. If such standards are to produce a coherent financial reporting system, they must be compiled in such a way that they constitute a framework that is sound and consistent internally. Bullen and Crook (2005) have also pointed out differences in concepts and conventions through assets, wherein the concept of a piece of equipment as an asset is based upon viewing it as a source of economic benefits for the future, while the straight line depreci ation of that asset would be viewed as a convention. According to Bullen and Crook (2005), a consistent regulatory accounting framework is required to converge different aspects of expressing the same concepts. The development of an accurate and well developed regulatory framework is essential to prevent accounting fraud and deception such as the financial scandal that erupted at Enron. Secondly, it also provides advantages for investors, such as the ISAB framework for example, which Ball (2005:9) has spelt out as follows: (a) a more efficient valuation in equity markets (b) reduced costs to process financial information because GAAP adjustments are not required (c) reduced costs for being informed in a timely manner and (d) ability to create standardized financial databases. If these standards are implemented consistently, then it provides better comparability and therefore ensures that there is less risk for investors. Thirdly, it enables certain objectives of financial reporting to be met, such as (a) usefulness in making economic decisions (b) useful in assessing cash flow prospects and (c) providing information about enterprise resources, the claims of these resources and the changes that are required. Using ISAB Standards: The existing ISAB framework is similar to the FSAB framework in terms of its structural components, i.e., setting out the objectives, the qualitative characteristics of the information, elements of financial statements, their measurement and display in the statements as well as elements of disclosure. The qualitative characteristics listed for example, include understandability, relevance, reliability and comparability (Zeff 2007:291). There are two specific challenges arising where worldwide financial reporting is concerned: comparability and convergence. Most companies are using the International Financial reporting Standards in order to prepare their financial statements (Zeff, 2007). The differences in business customs and corporate structures, such as the kieretsu in Japan and chaebol in Korea which are actually networks of holding companies with interlocking relationships, raises the question of whether a standard on consolidated financial statements would ensure comparability. It must be noted that there are some factors interfering with worldwide comparability, such as the business and financial culture, the accounting culture, the auditing culture and the regulatory culture (Zeff, 2007). Different countries have different legal frameworks in place to tackle issues of financial regulation and the functioning of companies. For example, in the United States, the Sarbanes Oxley Act tries to regulate the funct ioning of companies, while in the UK, it is the Turnbull report which has guided corporate governance. Achieving similarity between the different legal national systems and their effective implementation across geographical boundaries is also difficult. While there are similar provisions among the laws of different countries, it must be noted that statutory provisions tend to set out legal parameters which may be adequate to express what financial actions would be considered illegal. The Companies Act of 2006, for example, has recently been amended to allow companies greater latitude and flexibility in their operations, such as decision making, company formation, director duties, etc, as well as spelling out limits on remuneration allowable to them. The components of the legal provisions thereby set out detailed parameters about how the company functions and how it is to carry out its business operations. The Companies Act of 2006 also requires that companies establish risk assessment and accountability measures, such as setting up independent auditor function to monitor and check accounting procedures within the Company. But all these aspects are dealt with in generalities rather than specifics in so far as statutory provisions are concerned. But the ISAB framework is much more comprehensive from the perspective of establishing and defining financial parameters. For instance, the ISAB framework defines assets, liabilities and equity clearly. Other information contained in the frameworks includes the characteristics of financial information, such as the elements of financial statements and their recognition, as well as measurement of assets and liabilities. As Ball (2005) points out, investors require high quality financial statements, which would necessitate (a) an accurate depiction of economic outcomes (b) timeliness and (c) a low capacity for manipulation by managers. None of these elements are likely to be components of the law (Ball, 2005:5). The ISAB framework on the other hand, does place an emphasis on reliability and relevance. The objectives spelt out under ISAB include the development of high quality, understandable and enforceable global accounting standards, promoting the rigorous application of those standards and bringing about a convergence in these standards.(Ball, 2005:6). Moreover, the regulatory frameworks place emphasis on reliability and consistency of accounting frameworks which helps to ensure that there is comparability and relevance across geographical boundaries. In conclusion therefore, a regulatory framework for financial reporting is necessary to ensure that there is consistency across financial standards in various countries. Regulatory frameworks also help to define financial parameters more clearly as compared to statutory provisions, which provide a more generalized set of rules and laws that companies are expected to adhere to. It is only when there is a violation in financial conduct that a legal provision can be applied and contested, in order to establish how it applies in the context of the specific incident or allegation that has been brought before the Courts. A financial regulatory framework such as the ISAB framework however, clearly defines financial parameters and allows for the preparation of accurate financial statements which are likely to be more informative for investors, based upon an accurate depiction of economic outcomes. References: * Bullen, Halsey G and Crook, Kimberley, 2005. â€Å"A new conceptual framework project†, Financial Accounting Standards Board. * Fearnley, Stella and Hines, Tony, 2003. â€Å"The regulatory framework for financial reporting and auditing in the United Kingdom: the present position and impending changes†, The international Journal of Accounting, 38: 215-233 * Haller, Axel and Walton, Peter, 2003. â€Å"Country differences and harmonization†, IN Walton, P, â€Å"International Accounting†, London: Thomson:1-34. * Zeff, Stephen A, 2007. â€Å"Some obstacles to global financial reporting comparability and convergence at a high level of quality†, The British Accounting Review, 39:290-302

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Joys of Skydiving Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about myself

It was a warm and sunny Saturday morning when my friend, Sivi, and I left our home to travel to the small local airport located outside of town. Just the previous night we had received 4 hours of classroom training in how to perform a successful "Skydive" and now we would receive 4 more hours of practical, hands-on training. Sivi and I have spent a lot of time talking with, and taking care of Senior Citizens on a volunteer basis. Through many conversations, we discovered that one of the major regrets that people have, as the near the end, is that they didn't experience everything that they wanted to when they were younger. The major reason for this was fear. Fear that they would fail or fear that they might be injured. Sivi and I had decided years ago that we would never allow fear to prevent us from trying something new. Now, in our middle and late forties, we had decided to voluntarily jump out of a perfectly good airplane just for the experience of doing so. When we arrived at the airport, there were about 10 other people. Most of them were men and we were the only couple. Of course the first matter of business was to read and sign a waiver that stated that we would NOT hold the skydiving school liable if our jump turned out to be, shall we say, less than perfect. I must admit that this certainly brought out some of the apprehension that Sivi and I had managed to bury deep inside ourselves. Next, we were sent to a shed where there were several sets of coveralls. Here we were instructed to pick out a pair of coveralls and a helmet that fit (as best as possible) and put them on. I must say that I felt more than a little silly wearing a pair of torn and uncomfortably tight coveralls ... ...ove the ground, I yanked down on the parachute control straps with all of my strength. The parachute got more air, and I slowed, almost to a standstill, and gently touched the ground. As my feet touched the Earth, I went into my roll and then stood back up. No broken bones or bruises. Sivi, immediately came out to greet me, and we both felt a great sense of relief and pride. Once again we managed to overcome our fears and experience something that cannot be imagined or viewed like a movie, but must be felt. As we walked to our car, we realized just how much the day had taken out of us physically. We were both bruised and sore from our practice jumps into the gravel pit and very tired. But, at the same time, our souls felt warm and satisfied at discovering that we could overcome our fears and experience the joy and freedom of skydiving.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Does privacy actually exist online

Google is set to make a major change to their Terms of Service that will allow the company to use the user name and profile pictures of its Google Plus account members in reviews, advertising, and â€Å"other commercial contexts. † This, coupled with Facebooks recent announcement that they are removing a setting that previously allowed users to be undiscoverable through their Graph Search, raises the question†¦ oes privacy actually exist online? In the case of Google, the company says it plans to only share user names and profile hotos in conjunction with content users have chosen to help curate. For example, they may use the +1 you gave your favorite local bakery in an ad that the bakery runs through Google, or your rating of an album on your favorite band's Google Play page may she shared with those in your Google Plus circles.Although users will be able to opt out and control whether their image and name appear in ads via the Shared Endorsements setting, this is a majo r change for the platform that puts it more closely in line with Facebooks much scrutinized privacy policies. It's also a move that s likely to perturb users who flocked to Google from Facebook because of privacy concerns and raises the question of what Google may be planning for the future.Not to be outdone, Facebooks announcement that everyone will be searchable after the removal of an old privacy setting is raising many eyebrows†and rightfully so. â€Å"We're removing the setting because it isn't as useful as it was before,† read an announcement from Facebook when I recently logged in to my personal account. So, naturally, choosing to remove the setting altogether is better than attempting to mprove this tool which would enable account holders to control who can view their profiles? Apparently so.Both companies seem to be using the argument that users are in control of what they share, and therefore are presenting an implied endorsement of sorts that they believe the y have the rights to use for monetary or promotional gain. While it is true that status updates about a restaurant you like, a snapshot at an event you went to, or what you're listening to, watching, or reading are put there by the users themselves, shouldn't it also hold true that the information we hare about ourselves should still remain our information?Although there are laws, both state and federal, currently in place that are supposed to safeguard internet users, these controls are not assurance that we are sheltered from companies using our personal information in ways we did not intend. Frequently these laws, and most frequently the privacy policies of internet companies, put an increasing amount of control in the hands of internet users, who unfortunately, often have inadequate training in and knowledge of the digital landscape.This puts teens, the elderly, and other marginal web users at risk, as they are uninformed and uneducated to make the appropriate choices needed to protect their personal information on the internet. Even for more advanced internet users such as myself, it often difficult to understand my online privacy rights†not to mention that internet companies are not always transparent. As social media becomes more, well, social, companies like Google and Facebook should be taking the needed steps to make their privacy measures easier to comprehend and user friendly.In the example of Facebooks most recent privacy privacy shortcuts. † Okay, sure, but how? With the ambiguous nature of online privacy now and the Jargon of its top providers, digital literacy is an increasing must. Who should be responsible though? Should the command be placed on internet companies? Should it be left to the online user? Without a precise solution, the future of online privacy is clouded and the sole fix for the time being is to stay enlightened and precautious†otherwise your semi-private musings may turn up in a not-so- private place.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Child Labour in Pakistan Essay

Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet. These are also part of our society who have forgotten the pleasures of their childhood. When a child in addition to getting education, earns his livelihood, this act of earning a livelihood is called as child Labour. The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child Labour as: 1- when a child is working during early age 2- he overworks or gives over time to Labour 3- he works due to the psychologically, socially, and materialistic pressure 4- he becomes ready to Labour on a very low pay Another definition states: â€Å"Child Labour† is generally speaking work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally or blocking access to education), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(UNICEF) defines â€Å"child† as anyone below the age of 18, and â€Å"child Labour† as some type of work performed by children below age 18. (UNICEF)Child Labour is an important and a serious global issue through which all and sundry countries of the world are directly or indirectly affected, but, it is very common in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Explication Of “The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock

The heart-breaking monologue of a depressed and insecure man who craves affection, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† by T.S. Eliot, is an eloquent and imaginative poem. Too insecure to act upon his desires, Prufrock, fantasizes about making a personal connection with a woman. His fear of scrutiny and rejection, however cause even his fantasy to be a disappointment. By contrasting images of loneliness metaphors for affection and attention with allusions pertaining to death, Prufrock reveals his torturous dilemma. Throughout the poem, Eliot uses metaphors to describe Prufrock’s fears and desires. T.S. Eliot used the term objective correlative to describe the projection of tone onto inanimate objects. He begins the poem by describing the evening as, â€Å"spread out against the sky/ Like a patient etherized upon a table.† This simile indicates the numbness and immobility that Prufrock is experiencing and shows how he projects his self-pity onto things around him Prufrock then asks the reader to accompany him through a dirty, desolate, and lonely city. Describing, â€Å"Streets that follow like a tedious argument/ Of insidious intent† Prufrock reveals the extent of his depression, which is so intense that even walking down the street is a wearisome, even treacherous task for him. The next stanza metaphorically describes the dirty fog and smoke that surrounds the house as a feline lavishing attention upon the house. Due to the feminine nature associated with a cat, this passage clearly illustrates Prufrock’s deep yearning for love and attention. He claims, â€Å"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,† showing how prevalent and pointless social events have been in his life. Describing the scrutiny and judgments of his peers, he compares himself to a scientific specimen as insignificant as an insect: â€Å"when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall.† He wonders how he c... Free Essays on Explication Of â€Å"The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Free Essays on Explication Of â€Å"The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock The heart-breaking monologue of a depressed and insecure man who craves affection, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,† by T.S. Eliot, is an eloquent and imaginative poem. Too insecure to act upon his desires, Prufrock, fantasizes about making a personal connection with a woman. His fear of scrutiny and rejection, however cause even his fantasy to be a disappointment. By contrasting images of loneliness metaphors for affection and attention with allusions pertaining to death, Prufrock reveals his torturous dilemma. Throughout the poem, Eliot uses metaphors to describe Prufrock’s fears and desires. T.S. Eliot used the term objective correlative to describe the projection of tone onto inanimate objects. He begins the poem by describing the evening as, â€Å"spread out against the sky/ Like a patient etherized upon a table.† This simile indicates the numbness and immobility that Prufrock is experiencing and shows how he projects his self-pity onto things around him Prufrock then asks the reader to accompany him through a dirty, desolate, and lonely city. Describing, â€Å"Streets that follow like a tedious argument/ Of insidious intent† Prufrock reveals the extent of his depression, which is so intense that even walking down the street is a wearisome, even treacherous task for him. The next stanza metaphorically describes the dirty fog and smoke that surrounds the house as a feline lavishing attention upon the house. Due to the feminine nature associated with a cat, this passage clearly illustrates Prufrock’s deep yearning for love and attention. He claims, â€Å"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons,† showing how prevalent and pointless social events have been in his life. Describing the scrutiny and judgments of his peers, he compares himself to a scientific specimen as insignificant as an insect: â€Å"when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall.† He wonders how he c...